Sunday, July 20, 2014

Event 14 (Day 2): Serio Gets A Double

Level 18 (Blinds 2,500/5,000/500)
Players Remaining: 7
Chip Average: 360,000

Giuseppe Serio was one of the shorts stacks remaining, and after an open to 15,000 UTG from James Bucci, Serio would three-bet shove.  The action would fold fairly quickly around to Bucci, and he would ask for a count before heading into the tank.  It would be a total of 74,000 to call, and James would assess his own stack before eventually making the call:

Bucci: A♣ Q♣        Serio: K K

Runout: 2Q♠ 8♠ J♠ 10♠

Nobody would hold any spades in their hand, so Serio's pair of kings would hold and Giuseppe would double to 155,000.

Giuseppe Serio - 155,000
James Bucci - 130,000