Sunday, July 20, 2014

Event 14 (Day 2): Action About At Table 29

Level 14 (Blinds 1,000/2,000/300)
Players Remaining: 23
Chip Average: 109,000

The action filled hands have been one after the other at Table 29, so a quick recap of the action is in order:

- Giuseppe Serio would double through Drake Bronk as his A A♠ bests Bronk's 9♠ 9, chipping up to 90,000 after the JQ♣ 7 2♠ 8 runout.  Bronk would be left with just over 26,000.

- Bronk would then double through Rafael Saadah (all-in pre), as his 10 10♠ dominates Rafael's 3♣ 3 on a runout of 4♠ K♣ K 4♣ 10♣.  Rafael would still be alive after doubling Bronk to 59,000, but he'd be left with less than five blinds.