Sunday, July 20, 2014

Event 14 (Day 2): 4th Place - Serio ($10,082)

Level 20 (Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000)
Players Remaining: 3
Chip Average: 840,000

Giuseppe Serio (Pasadena, MD)
The first hand coming back from break seems to be an action spot, as Giuseppe Serio opens to 25,000.  Drake Bronk would look down at his cards and announce a three-bet to 80,000.  The action would fold back to Serio would would four-bet all-in, and Bronk would call the 50,000 more:

Serio: A Q♣
Bronk: J♠ J

Runout: K 6 4♣ 5 6

Bronk would continue his trend of winning races, and Serio would be eliminated in fourth place.  The remaining players have paused the clock to discuss as chop, and that outcome will be posted shortly.