Sunday, July 20, 2014

Event 14 (Day 2): Mitchell Short No More

Level 16 (Blinds 1,500/3,000/400)
Players Remaining: 14
Chip Average: 180,000

Duane Mitchell was one of the shortest stacks remaining, and he was able to get one shove through to pick up the blinds and antes.  Only a few hands later he would open the pot UTG+1 to 7,000, and get calls from both of the blinds (Chinni and Woods).  The flop would come out 9 4 3, and both blinds would check to Mitchell.  Duane would put together his chips and push them towards the middle, with Chinni re-shoving next to act.  Woods would fold behind and Mitchell would be at risk of bubbling:

Mitchell: 6 6          Chinni: Q J

Flop: 9 4 3

Turn: 2

River: 5♠

Mitchell would fade all of Chinni's outs and double to 124,000, which although is still under average, but takes him out of the danger zone.