Sunday, July 20, 2014

Event 14 (Day 2): Harder Eliminated By Peters

Level 13 (Blinds 800/1,600/200)
Players Remaining: 27
Chip Average: 93,000

At Table 29, James Peters would open the action from the button with a raise.  After Benjamin Sears folded the small blind, Christian Harder would three-bet out of the big to 11,700.  Peters would ask what Harder had behind, and after getting an idea, would make the call.  The dealer would fan out a flop of 8 6 2, and Harder would lead for 12,000.  Peters would quickly announce himself all-in, and Harder would take a moment before tossing the chips in for a call.  Christian's 10 10♣ would be well behind the 6♣ 6♠ of Peters after the flop (flopped middle set), and the turn nor river would bring any help.

Peters would eliminate Harder and chip up to 245,000.  With that elimination, the field is down to 27 players, and everyone remaining is currently finding new seats.  A full table redraw will be posted once all players are settled in their new seats.