Sunday, July 20, 2014

Event 14 (Day 2): Franklin's Unfortunate River

Level 14 (Blinds 1,000/2,000/300)
Players Remaining: 20
Chip Average: 126,000

While publishing the most recent post, there would be an all-in and a call over at Table 28.  The hand was between Andrew Franklin and Brian Woods, with the two getting the chips in on the turn.  The board would read Qx 4x 6x Kx, and Woods would be the player at risk.  Franklin would be holding the lead with Kx Qx (turned top two) against the Ax Kx of Woods.  The river Ax would change everything however, doubling Woods up to 150,000, while Franklin would be left with 6,000.

About three hands later Franklin would be eliminated, leaving the field one bustout away from another redraw.