Sunday, July 20, 2014

Event 14 (Day 2): 8th Place - Calvo ($3,858)

Level 18 (Blinds 2,500/5,000/500)
Players Remaining: 7
Chip Average: 360,000

Peter Calvo (Edgewater, MD)
The action leading up to Peter Calvo's elimination has not yet been verified, but walking up to the table, the dealer would be counting down Christopher Grove's stack to see if Peter was covered.  The board and hands were still tabled:

Grove: 9♣ 9
Calvo: 3♣ 3♠

Board: 4 9♠ 3 5 A

Peter would be on the wrong end of set-over-set, and he would be the second player lost this level.  With that pot Christopher Grove is at 720,000, assuming the chip lead.