Monday, July 21, 2014

Event 15 (Day 1A): Viet Gets It Back

Level 10 (Blinds 400/800/100)
Total Day 1A Entries: 104
Day 1A Players Remaining: 43
Chip Average: 36,000

Viet Le
Approaching Table 31, there would be a player who asked to remain anonymous all-in for 4,000 pre-flop.  He would get called by Viet Le, James Sloat, and Cliff Goldkind.  The dealer would fan a flop of 4 K♣ 9, and James Sloat would fire out a bet of 6,000. Goldkind would fold and Viet Le would call the bet, as the players then saw the 8♠ on the turn.  Sloat would check this street, while Le would spring into action with a bet of 12,000.

James thought momentarily before check raised all-in (having Le covered), and Viet would stand up an immediately make the call.  Le would table K K♠ and would have both Sloat (K Q♠) and the anonymous player (7♠ 7♣) drawing dead.

Le would collect the pot worth 115,000 and now assume the chip lead with three levels of play remaining.