Monday, July 21, 2014

Event 15 (Day 1A): Chang Chips Up

Level 10 (Blinds 400/800/100)
Total Day 1A Entries: 103
Day 1A Players Remaining: 40
Chip Average: 39,000

Approaching Table 29, the would be a hand on the turn between Jeffrey Chang and Spencer Mensh.  The board would read K 9♣ 5 3, and Chang's 5,800 turn bet had just been raised to 15,800 by Spencer. After some thought, Jeffrey would announce himself all-in and the action would be on Mensh to decide for his tournament life.  Spencer would make the call and the hands would be tabled:

Chang: J 9         Mensh: 5♣ 5♠

Board: K 9♣ 5 3

River: 10

The board would not pair for Spencer, and he would be eliminated from the field, while Jeffrey would chip up to 80,000.