Monday, July 21, 2014

Event 15 (Day 1A): Doesn't Hurt To Run Good

Level 6 (Blinds 150/300/25)
Total Day 1A Entries: 96

Justin Liberto (Baltimore, MD)
Approaching Table 32, Steve Benkovic would be all-in on a board reading 6 2 8 7.  The action would be on Justin Liberto (Baltimore, MD), and with a 10,000 pot and 7,000 behind, Justin would take a look at the clock and toss in the chips for a call:

Board: 6♣ 2 8 7

Benkovic: 8 9
Liberto: Q 9

River: Q♣

Justin would be in pretty bad shape when the cards were tabled, needing a non diamond queen to win the hand.  The river would bring just that, and Liberto would double to 24,000.