Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Event 15 (Day 1E): Those Remaining

Level 11 (Blinds 500/1,000/100)
Total Day 1E Entries: 144
Day 1E Players Remaining: 58

Each flight has had a full field breakdown towards the latter stages of the tournament, so the fans at home can see who is still alive.  Although there are still six active tables in the tournament area, the trend continues:

Table 28:
  1. Nicholas Condo
  2. Walter Jones
  3. Derek Orlando
  4. Matthew Niner
  5. Jeff Phan
  6. Richard Ali
  7. Chin Nguyen
  8. Hoa Nguyen
  9. Christopher Grove
  10. Jonathan Edwards
Table 29:
  1. Alex Chazan
  2. John Campbell
  3. James Marshall
  4. Timothy Weslow
  5. Tim Little
  6. Jeffrey Neuman
  7. Alex Wicherski
  8. Ravi Repole
  9. James Sloat
  10. Amir Mohammad
Table 30:
  1. Tim Bryan
  2. William Beer
  3. Vito Depaul
  4. Samuel Weis
  5. Yuriy Guzman
  6. Gary Schoengold
  7. Michael Fenwick
  8. Thomas Gaito
  9. Kevin Solomon
Table 31:
  1. Sean Wallace
  2. Eric Rivkin
  3. Thomas Johnson
  4. Douglas Marinovich
  5. Chanthanome Inthisone
  6. Arthur Gauther 
  7. A. Nonymous
  8. Laura Koenigs
  9. Jeremy Stein
Table 32:
  1. Steven Kang
  2. Ryan Sentz
  3. Ninaz Taghva
  4. Jeffrey Dolezal
  5. James Neff
  6. Reymundo Reyes
  7. Matthew Brunskole
  8. Cullen Hofmann
  9. Donald Proctor
Table 40:
  1. Benjamin Chan
  2. Robert Schoneman
  3. Samuel Moore
  4. Benjamin Lester
  5. Warren Wiggins
  6. Kunal Shah
  7. Tam Nguyen
  8. Elias Zeilah
  9. Timothy Bishop
  10. Joshua Gordon