Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Event 15 (Day 1E): Already Over 100,000

Level 7 (Blinds 200/400/50)
Total Day 1E Entries: 144

Kunal Shah (Baltimore, MD)
It took until the later stages of the night during yesterday's Day 1D flight for a player to eclipse 100,'s just been done in Level 7.  The action at Table 42 would be picked up on the flop of K♣ Q♣ 10.  Kunal Shah would start would lead off with a bet of 2,000, with Ryan Wood immediately raising him to 5,000.  Adam Chavis would be the third player in the hand, and he would three-bet shove for 11,900.  With action back on the original bettor, Shah would shove as well (having both players covered).  Ryan Wood would think for a few minutes before making the call:

Shah: A♠ J      Wood: J♣ 8♣       Chavis: 10♣ 6♣

Turn: 7

River: 9♠

Shah would be able to fade the club outs of his opponents, and with the main and side pot, he would scoop up 110,000.