Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Event 15 (Day 1C): Short Stacks Doublin'

Level 9 (Blinds 300/600/75)
Total Day 1C Entries: 124
Day 1C Players Remaining: 49

Two of the shorter stacks notables just got doubles as the last minutes of Level 9 tick away.  Jim Bucci Jr. got his remaining chips in pre-flop with Kx Kx against 8x 8x, doubling to 28,000 after his hand held.  Only one hand later at Table 29, Tim Little would be all-in and at risk with A 5♠ against the 10♣ 10 of Joe Cashen.  The runout would be kind to Little as the board came A♠ 2♠ 4♠ K♠ J♠, doubling Little up to 20,000.